Welcome to Woven Within: My Journey & What to Expect
Hiiiiii! Welcome to Woven Within! If you are new here, we all are right? My name is Kiley and I love learning, yoga, reading, and so much more, This is our space to learn and talk about all the topics under the sun. I have been interested in writing for a while now and I have been trying to come up with a way I can incorporate it into my life more. I thought that a blog was the perfect way to share my knowledge and stories. My main focus is going to be life, hence the “Within”, but I also want to share the “Woven”, my bits of creativity that I hope will inspire you. I have done a lot of personal work over the last several years, personal growth is now one of my beloved passions. I want you to be at least a little interested in personal development because it will enhance your life so much!
Overall, I will talk about personal development, the various hobbies I have picked up (only because I wanted to start feeling better), and any little bits and pieces of life that I feel so inclined to share with you. Now I am no yoga expert, but I found yoga back in 2020 during college. The more I practice, the more I fall in love with how good it feels to move my body. I realized that I can use yoga to become flexible like I once was back when I danced once a week for years straight. Last year, I actually broke down my anxiety and tried our a yoga studio and boy did I love it even more! I recently discovered that I enjoy making macrame as well, thanks to one of my coworkers. Maybe we can share that journey together as I learn more about it. I believe I started learning about eco-friendly products in 2020 as well (thank you covid) and I knew instantly that I want to live my life as sustainable as I can. Now I am not perfect by any means, I still use plastics, and some products are hard to switch! I do try my best every day. Sometime between 2020 and now, I learned about the MTHFR gene that can be passed along through genetics, and I found out that several of my close blood relatives have it. The MTHFR gene mutation is a variation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, which affects the body's ability to process folate. There is a fair chance I also have this gene mutation, which means that my body does not process anything folate related like it should. Because of this I learned that in addition to eco-friendly products, I also want to live more toxin and chemical free. One of my last passions that you will hear about is trauma informed healing. I am not an expert, but I do have my own experience, which is what has made me want to learn more about trauma and the effects it has on the body and mind. Did you know that most of our trauma responses are formed before we hit age seven?
What you can look forward to here in Woven Within. I plan to share blog posts on a weekly basis, this way we can connect often! Not all blog posts will be the same, sometimes I will give you my thoughts and others I may show you how I do things or teach you to do something new. I have a grand passion for life and I want to inspire you in the same way. You may be wondering where did these burning passions come from? Well the answer is so simple. I finally realized that I did not enjoy the life I was living, I realized how I was literally just a carcass trying to drag myself across some unidentified finish line. FOR WHY? I do not know. I am here to tell you though, that it does get better. Exponentially better! Tell me why I was just floating through life with no goals and desires that I was never going to achieve because I did not actually do anything to ensure that those desires became real dreams come true. Once this realization hit me like a ton of bricks, I was able to recognize how many others are in the same boat. And when I say enjoy life and love the life I live, I do truly mean love the life I live. I do not mean I love life because I have the newest Lululemon or because of another mainstream way that the media has shown that you need in order to love your life. I mean loving the opportunity to wake up every morning. Loving my morning routine, not because I am a morning person, but because I get to wake up and I get to choose what I do in order to love my life before I go to work every day. And choosing to love your life should not end there! You have to continue to make the choices your entire day to ensure that you are loving the life you live. Despite any possible negatives like you may not actually love your job, do you have co-workers that you love? Maybe it is the opposite and you don’t love your job, but you love your coworkers. Somewhere in every situation there is a positive and a lot of the time all it takes is your own mindset to see the difference.
Okay, so now that you have gotten this far (thank you so much) I need your help to engage with my posts and share them with your mom, grandma, cousin, friend, your pets, literally anyone that can read or have this read to them!!! I am excited to begin this journey with you, so I will need all the help I can get from my friends and family (thank you in advance 🙂) Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking your time to read what I have to say, it means the world to me. I will leave you with this question: After reading this, what are some content ideas I mentioned that you are looking forward to seeing from me? Is there something else you think I could add that I did not mention?